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An Audible Attempt, and a Preview

Hello again from Philosoffee.

This is the audio recording to go along with the launch of the site. Again, I am technologically far from what one might call "competent", so this is also partly an experiment to see if I can do the apparently simple task of posting an audio recording.

Please note that this recording was done some time ago, and at that time the website's name was going to be the much different (and far more asinine, I suppose) "De Omnibus Dubitandum Est", (from Soren Kierkegaard's book of the same name, implying that our goal is to engage in doubting, skeptical analysis).

Surely, our goal hasn't changed that much, but gods-be-praised I caved in and changed the name. So, when you hear us mention "Dubitandum", scratch it out and think "Philosoffee".

In other news, we will soon be featuring our first Essay! The essay comes from my friend, Andrew Eick, who is a chief contributor to this endeavor. It is an analysis of the "civility rhetoric" which sprang up again around the recent expulsion of Sarah Huckabee Sanders from a restaurant, the Red Hen. It is, I believe, a vital discussion to have as individuals and as a culture at large.

It is also, no doubt, a politically charged piece. However, we here at Philosoffee are not going to shy away from politics for the sake of "pure" philosophy. That's akin to exercising only one arm. Part of our aim is practical, or applied, philosophy, and this means engaging in the contentious discussions currently taking place in all spheres of life, including the explicitly political.

At any rate, here is the first of our audio-recordings! Please enjoy!