So, one plus one equals two. We'll come back to that. Perhaps I am merely aging, nothing more, but I find that I am becoming a slightly more practically minded person. In my youth (which is perhaps a silly phrase, as I'm only 30) I was a bit more idealistic. Radical philosophical and political ideas were enticing to me, then. Now when I hear about radical ideas, I find myself first questioning the logistics involved. The twinkle went out of my eye when I began to realize just how clunky the actual gears of society are, and thus just how messy any change away from current political structures would be. I became a pragmatist. I say all that only to point out that I'm not some starry-eyed youngling who is about to suggest that Mr. Bezos is mean just for being a boss. I accept that there will always be some sort of hierarchy in life. In fact, I think that there should be (healthy, justified) hierarchies if for no other reason than because I cannot fathom a world in whi...
It's like philosophy and coffee. At the same time.